Thursday, February 21, 2008

When Life Gives you Clemons...

I like Roger Clemons, really I do. Did he take steroids? I don't know. His wife did, though...and with out his apparent knowledge. If my wife started growing hair on her back, and eating meat with only her hands, I'd notice.  But hey, I really don't care if he did or didn't. And I don't think the United States Congress should care either. Cheaters cheat, and they'll be around as long as the human race.

I don't care if Clemons' head explodes, his heart stops, or he grows a penis out of his forehead. Let him be responsible for his actions, and let his new appendage be a lesson to all of the children out there. Let the fans boo and boycott the cheaters, stone 'em if they want to....I just don't care.

If Congress truly cared about "Our American Institutions", they should look what is being force fed the foundation of this country, our kids. Congress SHOULD be investigating steroids in their foods, hormones in their milk, terribly influential television in their homes, awfully influential lyrics in their ears, and public education teacher's unions. Kids can't get away from the crap on TV; the ads for Viagra; the 4 hour erection, what the definition of "is" is; or that Johnny and Billy are getting married.

Parenting is getting tougher everyday, and perhaps Congress should stop pounding the Clemonaide.

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