Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Corrupt Son of a Kenyan...

I showed my wife the video, "Burning Down the House...", (which, by the way, has been taken down from You Tube by Warner Brothers, so search for it and you will find it if my link to it fails).

Anyway, my wife pointed out that the sermon at Church this past week was "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions." Even if you can say, as she did, that BHO's and the folks on street level, the neighborhood activists, the social workers...had "good intentions", they SHOULD have known the ramifications of their actions. They should have figured their practices were predatory. For GOD's sake, the loans were called SUB-PRIME for a reason! Sub- prime is a nice way of saying "HIGH-RISK"! Sub-prime is a candy coated way to say, "LESS THAN IDEAL." Sub-prime is a great term to call loans that should not be lent.

Stupidity is no excuse for a Presidential candidate. "I didn't figure it would explode..." is not an appropriate reponse.

Follow the money, and it leads straight to Hell. A great place for a smooth talking, politically savvy corrupt son of a Kenyan and his multi-millionaire peices of crap cronies. May they rot in hell.

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