Monday, September 22, 2008

Desperate Dems Denounce Diversity While Claiming Racism...

I would indeed vote for a black man, and for that matter, a black woman. I would vote for Colin Powell, and for that matter Condeleeza Rice.

But I would not vote for Obama. No way, no how. There. Does that make ME a racist? The dems are making the case that a NOBAMA vote is a racist vote. Screw You! I am just an informed citizen, knowledgable voter, and proud American....certainly no racist, as evidenced by the fact that I would indeed vote for the right person of color. The fact that Obama is not the 'right' person for me is my God Damned choice....screw you.

BHO is ill conceived excuse for the champion of race relations. He has lied, intimidated, and bullshitted his way through a hopeful American democracy, with the help of a pathetically desperate democrat party, wishing to dispel America's so-called chains of racism by utilizing that very tactic. Obama has skated his way through Harvard the same way...crappy grades and he still becomes the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review! Utter racism.... He is simply full of hot air. A man of no substance, little character, and even less experience. Wake up America! Wake Up!!!

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