Friday, October 3, 2008

Why No Burnt Hearts at Sandra's Racist Comments?

What would her mother think??

Sandra Bernhard is gross, but that's not the news. Her recent comments that led to a disenfranchisement' from a charity fundraiser would certainly hang a guy like, er, Don Imus, out to dry. He talked of "knappy haired ho's". She said that Sarah Palin would be "gang raped" by her black brothas if Palin entered Manhattan. He gets fired, she gets to swallow her words. He gets to pay lots of money to the "cause". She gets to backpeddle. He takes major heat from Jesse, Sharpton, liberal teachers, and the black community. She gets to spew her lipstick lesbian, anti-human, unfunny, disgusting racist trash all over the place. He apparently pissed off the world. She apparently is not even sorry.

From "Jeff Roe": Welcome to the real world, Bim. So Sandra, after all these years of Lib's (to include the mainstream media) not holding other Lib's accountable for their asinine comments - not to mention flat out lying - you finally get to feel what conservatives and Republicans have been dealing with for decades: actually being held accountable for opening your mouth and saying something stupid. Be an ADULT. Grow up, admit you made a mistake, do what you can to repair the damage (whether you actually feel bad about what you said or not), and move on. Oh, and I forgot the default Lib answer to all public "fax paus" - a short-term trip to rehab. Good luck with all of that.

From "Parisian-Refugee": Ms. Bernhard's comments are tantamount to a threat and not remotely funny. Threating a political candidate with violence is not only despicable, but is contrary to our democratic process. Additionally, Ms. Bernhard is clearly a racist, as she implies that the ethnicity of a rapist is relevant. Is she suggesting that being raped by "big black brothers" is somehow more or less egregious than rape by attackers of another color? She's also spineless. Rather than apologizing for her comment, she tries to deny it. I'd like to know where are the normally loud chorus of voices from NOW, NAACP, etc.

Let's gang-spit Sandra Bernhard.

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