Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Black Madrassas, BO and the United Church of Christ...

At the Trinity United Church of Christ, Reverend Jeremiah Wright preaches hatred, separatism, and asserts that we brought 9-11 upon ourselves; that we planted the AIDS virus in the Black commuity on purpose; that God damned America...we've all seen and heard that preacher's race laced diatribe all over the 'net.

This sounds hauntingly familiar to some schools in the Middle East. The only thing different is the Holy One being praised. And it worries me that BO was unable to leave the church--as Oprah did years ago.

How will BO's poor decision making affect the Supreme Court? When will he use the "I didn't know..." excuse while commanding the country? BO is 44, and has been going to this church for some 20 years, so he says. He also says that this man, Reverend Wright lead him to Christ. I thought he grew up Christian? For whom did he toll the bell for during his first 24 formative years of his young life? Hmmm...things are not adding up. Some say he had to join this popular Chicago church to gain the support of the black community--being half Muslim, that is, in order to get elected. To use BO's own words, "he contains within himself the contradictions, the good and the bad of thh community he serves..."

I smell something nasty, do you?. There is a man that deserves your vote, and that man is in the Middle East right now. Vote McCAIN.

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