Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Emperor Obama Has No Close...

Finally, the country is getting a taste of the real Obama...he is now getting testy with reporters asking the tough(?) questions. He is getting caught in lies and sticky situations--like the NAFTA chit chat with Canada; like the support from Louis Farrakan; like the Christian Church he has belonged to for the last 20 years.

If you get past the oratory, the teerful crowds in search of "hope" and those looking for the magic CHANGE pill, you will see that there is nothing there. It's all feel good fluff. Passionate, yes. Inspirational, yes. But a lousy way to pick a COMMANDER IN CHIEF!

During a sales call, the salesperson orates about a product and how it will solve the problems at hand. The benefits of the product shine through the myriad of colorful brochures strewn about the table. But, when the prospect asks for a demonstration of the product's superior capabilities, the salesperson falls short. He can't prove what is said in the brochures, and cannot close the deal...

The soon to be crowned Democrat emperor has no CLOSE!

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