Monday, March 17, 2008

** Newflash ** Michelle Obama Desires to Support McCain...

She said it herself, at a rally in Villa Nova, PA. She preached the Obama Gospel my friends....passionately, and at great length. "By any measure", she said, "Barak is BRILLIANT!" And this terrible country NEEDS him! And we are all fools....and stupid, and unable to think for ourselves.....but then, in an epiphany laden with soulful sorrow and tactical terrorism, lo and behold....she has seen the light, and finally said something of Princeton and Harvard learned intelligence....

She said point blank, and I quote: "...that the country needs a leader with Character, Leadership and Choice."

Can I get a Amen, friends? ......AMEN!
Can I get a Hallelujah, my people? ......Hallelujah!

Now where can we find a candidate with Character, Leadership and Choice?

Character, Leadership, and Choice....ahh, I thought she'd never ask...Vote McCAIN.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain lost because his campaign was full of holes and flip-flops and lies. He broke the law by using music without permission from the artists, he is hated by veterans who call him a songbird, he is extremely ill-conservative, he has changed his opinion on almost every issue, lied about it and even did so on the same shows. To me it didn't matter how much fault could have been held by Barack Obama. He may have lacking credibility, but McCain has no credibility.

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