Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chump Norris 'Too Old' to Be Taken Seriously...

I can honestly say that I have never, ever seen a Chuck Norris movie. I think he is a chump with a real 'perty' wife, a set of perfect dentures, and a funny haircut. His 68th birthday is coming up on March 10th, so that must make him too old for anything, especially, B-movies--atleast let's hope. On the one hand, he is an ardent supporter of the Republican party, and I understand his endorsement of Huckabee, being a born again Christian, and all. Yet on the other, he slams John McCain today for being too old to preside over this country.

And that is what is so baffling. Norris claims through some fuzzy mathmatical computation, that the Presidency of the United States ages a man 3 to 1. That is, President's age 3 years for every single year in office, basically a bit more than twice that of a dog's aging.

Now I will agree that being the leader of the free world is a stressful occupation. I mean, look what 8 years, er...24 years did to William Jefferson Clinton! It turned him into one crotchity old son of a bitch. Always yelling, pointing that finger at everyone....admonishing us all with his high level of self annointed rightousness. I just grunt and shake my head when I see
that knucklehead.

I think Karate Chump Norris is on to something. But his formula only pertains to liars, lunatics, leftists and liberals. Look at before and after term pictures of Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush II.  Both Bush's have certainly faired well.  Ron looks great.  Ford, too....

Look....John McCain is like a bottle of wine.  Grapes of fine stock, with roots deep so as to survive the perils and traumas of life; harvested at the perfect time; bottled and laid on it's side to mature-alone; and waiting for the perfect time to be uncorked by it's rightful owner.

....and we are the bottle opener...I can't wait for the "pop".

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