Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mitt's great, but McCain needs no on the job training...

I went this morning to see Mitt Romney at one of his "Ask Mitt Anything" events. I must say that this guy is something.  He is energetic, positive, and as my youngest son says, "has great hair."  I believe he is an innovator, a moderator, and can get things done.  I also believe he would make a great President.

But enough about Mitt.  I still believe that John McCain, however, is the best candidate for the current and future security of this country--and that, my friends is the MOST important issue facing us today.  McCain is a spending hawk, a patriot, and privy to the inner workings of the government.  He has sacrificed like no other candidate in the race.  He is uncorruptable, committed, and strong willed.  Period.

Day one, John can sit behind the desk in the Oval Office, sharpen his pencil and get to work.  He already knows were the bathrooms are.

Could we see a McCain-Romney ticket, with John taking the first four years, and Mitt running in 2012?

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