Saturday, January 19, 2008

R.E.S.P.E.C.T in the Palmetto State....

...83% of the vote is counted in South Carolina, and we are looking at John McCain taking he state.

...88% in, 33% to 30% McCain - Huckabee.  Getting close, but the margin will hold and grow.

It must feel great for McCain, after the lashing he endured by the party in 2000.  I was a huge supporter back then, and the disappointment in South Carolina really got to me.  But, character counts.  Trust counts.  Experience

...91%, Huckabee conceding. Good man, but not my cup of tea. If he can't do it here, he can't get the evangelical vote anywhere.

John McCain is THE Republican that can bring the party together by delivering Conservative AND Moderate Republican votes to move into the White House come January next.

...96%, still maintaining 33%-30%.  Definitely a strong 2nd place showing.

Ladies and gentleman, it seems that John McCain has finally earned a little respect from the Palmetto State!  They must have seen the light, my friends.   They must be feeling the buzz...

..97% + 14,000 votes....Democrats do not want to run against John McCain, as he is a tough horse to beat. He has the pull to get the independent vote. He has the Iraq War supporters; he has the security conscious; and now the evangelicals.

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