Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wipers for Hillary...

Today, I went to my local auto parts superstore to pickup some new windshield wiper blades for the van. I was hunting around, looking around for the blades, searching, searching to no avail. I pace the whole store up and back, and cannot find the damn blades. I happened upon an older fellow perusing the aisles and sale items at the end caps. He seemed to know what the hell was going on in the store, I guessed.

I asked him if he knew where the wipers were, but he did not. Nice enough guy-NASCAR hat on his head. I finally went to the front of the store and asked the thrice pierced associate to direct me to the windshield wipers. "Aisle B." Off I go.

My "older friend" seemed to follow me to Aisle B, and as I began to compare blades, he starting chit-chatting with started with the high cost of the blades-$26/pair for the winter ones that work well for me. "Jesus Christ", said he. Twenty six bucks, and they are made in China. Everything God damned thing is made in China these days! It's all junk...all poison. And we are losing jobs left and right to those bastards."

He went on to comment about getting and keeping a job in the U.S.A,; and how one has to get an education these days. But the kids can't really afford it you see, as it costs so much. So they borrow all that money just to get the education, which is supposed to give a leg up in the job market...yada, yada, yada. I interjected as best I could, but I was somewhat preoccupied with my blade selection.

On and on it went, and I was truly enjoying the banter for sure. I was agreeing with my new friend on many, if not all points. I finally said, "What do you think about the Presidential races? Well, my buddy then went into a diatribe about how you can't trust any of them; how the politicians want to spend-spend-spend away our futures; and how the Democrats just want to give it all away. Illegal immigration, amnesty...all the buzz topics. On and on he went, bitchin' and moanin' about everything. Again, I was loving it...a Republican voter for sure I thought. For the record, I can sit in a bus station all day long and chit-chat with folks. It really pisses off the wife (very type "A" personality, don't waste your time smelling the flowers type "A").

"Well friend", what do you think about John McCain?", to which his reply was simply, AND I QUOTE, "Oh, I'll probably vote for Clinton." Flabbergasted...dumbfounded, I grabbed my blades, bid him farewell, and gave my tender to the pierced one. I then left the twilight zone and drove to Boston.

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