Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Teach...your children well..

So, again from my local polling place this morning while signholding for McCAIN.

A teacher brings out her first grade classroom to view the election spectacle happening right outside their windows today. Up they walk, wide-eyed and staring at the signs, satellite news trucks and all. The teacher showed them the election boundary sign, and then walked the kids to a few of the candidate signholders.

At the Obama sign, she kept asking "now which candidate can make history tonight?" to which the kids scream out: "first black President Obama! Rock On Obama!" She then asks "which candidate can also make history this election?", and a cute little girl raises her hand and proclaims that if Hillary is elected, she would be the first female President of the United States.

Now, anyone that's broken bread with me, knows that I am a bit hard of hearing. I am the "what did he say???" guy around here. But I did not hear teacher ask the first graders which candidate, if elected, would be the first POW ever elected President?; or which candidate would be the first Mormon President?; or which candidate helped heal a city devastated by Islamic terrorism?

I guess that was not important enough to teach our children. Vote for the best candidate for the job, and let Guiness worry about the record book.

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