Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lazarus Lives! John McCain for President!

You know the story of Lazarus from the bible.  Lazarus, a beloved friend of Christ, dies and is eventually brought back to life by Jesus...when performing this miracle, Jesus proclaimed: "He who believes in me will live...."

Similiarly, John McCain was left on the side of Campaign Freeway, all but dead not too long ago.  His campaign team fired, funds all but gone, and the prospect of a Presidential bid dimming like a Sanibel sunset.  

But alas, he stuck to his guns and prevailed, and now look at him.  Marvel at the strength of this man.  Be awed by the power of this man's quiet convictions.  John McCain has the tenacity to fight for what he believes in.  John McCain has the strength to persevere.

Lazarus lives!  John McCain for President!


Sheridan Folger said...

Thank you for all of your support. Our Bloggers have become quite literally McCain's entire online presence. We are the basis of the "Grass-Roots" efforts. Our new 'google-groups' launch (you'll see soon) will add to that effort greatly assisting both McCain Victory 08 and the official campaign.

Keep UP The Great Work!!


Executive Director McCain Victory 08


The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas-a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated.
Ronald Reagan

Stephen R. Maloney said...

The national media appears ready to continue giving Barack Obama, voted the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate by the non-partisan National Journal, a free pass. It's critical that the new media, which includes us, take a very hard look at Senator Obama, an extremely flawed candidate. I'm trying to do that, and I hope you will also.

Michael Barone's The Almanac of American Politics, 2008, says the following of Obama as an Illinois State Senator: "He voted against providing medical care for fetuses who survived abortions." So much for his "universal health care."

For my own blogs, I'm doing rsearch on the relationship between George Soros and his political funding of -- and ideological influence on -- Barack Obama. A Hungarian who emigrated to American and made billions of dollars in finance and currency speculation, Soros, his family, and business asocicates have contributed huge sums to Barack Obama in his senatorial and presidential campaigns. (See the "Obama" financial sections on http://opensecrets.org, especially the "top contributors" segment for 2006 and 2008.)

Soros is the financial "godfather" of Moveon.org, the nation's largest political hate group. He's also a fan of Hamas, the Palestine-centered terrorist group. On Feb. 1, 2008, Moveon.org, an organization that claims 3 million-plus left-leaning members, gave its first endorsement to a presidential candidate: Barack Obama. The vast amount of money that's recently poured into Obama's coffers apparently has come from Moveon-types. Moveon.org members and Soros have been pressuring Obama to take more extreme positions on the economy and the war on terrorism.

My columns on Soros, Moveon, and Obama will begin appearing on Sunday, February 17 at: http://camp2008victorya.blogspot.com.

steve maloney
ambridge, pa

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